Wikimaps Atlas website goes live by planemad
March 25, 2014
After some deliberation on wether to have a wordpress blog, we decided to stick with pushing all our code and documentation to one place for easier management and simplicity - Github Pages. For those not aware, Github can host and serve a static website using the jekyll static blog engine.
It requires a bit of documentation reading to understand how the different pieces work together, but for the terminally brave, this is but a minor skirmish. Here is the list of resources used to get our site running from scratch in a few hours:
- Setup Git and create a new repository
- Start off with some html5 boilerplate
- Github Pages to turn your repo into a freely hosted website
- Understand the basics of Jekyll folder structure and concepts such as templates, layouts and includes
- Get familiar with the Markdown Syntax and how Liquid Templates works.
- Read this great tutorial by Andrew Munsell with step by step instructions on putting a jekyll site together
- jekyll-bootstrap for pieces of reusable code, especially if you want to use bootstrap css framework. Also check out their well written documentation on jekyll
- Alternatively check out Foundation which is the framework we have used due to cleaner class names and documentation. We have also used the Foundation icons svg font pack for responsive icons.
- We also added Disqus for managing user comments on the posts
- Protip: Use Bower for easy frontend dependency management
For really advanced users who would like to use the slim templating system, sass and an asset pipeline along with jekyll, check out this tutorial by Jason Fox. We will probably get here as our site gets more complex in the future.